15 Effective Marketing Materials (Printed and Digital)

brand kit

Any business owner knows a business must have some leverage before taking off the ground. If you’re a business owner, that means there needs to be “noise” about your business, regardless of its size, especially if you have just built it.

Drawing attention to your business is vital if you want it to gain traction early on. And one of the ways you can do that is through different marketing materials. But these is not limited to any logo designs, flyers, and brochures.

Here’s what you should learn about 15 of the most effective marketing materials.

What Are Marketing Materials?

As the name suggests, custom marketing materials or branding kits are stuff that a company or business uses to promote its products, services, or brand.

words related to marketing strategy combined together to draw a light bulb

Knowing how to use customized marketing materials correctly and effectively will help you diversify your brand and make it stand out from the rest of the competition.

Why Are Marketing Materials for Small Business Important?

Marketing materials are essential to a business’s marketing strategy and are used to attract and retain customers, increase brand recognition and loyalty, and drive sales. Marketing materials for small businesses are crucial for several reasons:

1. Building Brand Recognition

Marketing materials for business help establish a company’s brand by promoting its products, services, and message to potential customers. Consistent use of branding elements such as logos, colors, and slogans across printed marketing materials can create a solid and memorable brand identity.

sample packaging in a jar from Mary Sweets brand name

2. Providing Information

Business marketing materials provide potential customers information about a company’s products or services, including features, benefits, and pricing. This information can help customers make informed decisions about whether or not to purchase from the company.

3. Differentiating from Competitors

Effective customized marketing materials for small businesses can help a company stand out by highlighting unique selling propositions, such as superior quality, pricing, or customer service.

a picture in view of a man using his laptop checking different stats and metrics, which he probably uses to compare among their competitors as well

4. Increasing Sales

Well-designed and targeted promotional marketing materials can drive sales by attracting new customers and encouraging existing customers to purchase more.

5. Creating Customer Loyalty

Consistent and high-quality marketing materials can help build customer trust and loyalty over time, encouraging them to continue doing business with the company.

feedback written on a paper with different emoticons showing the need for a feedback

Indeed, marketing materials for small businesses are essential to their overall marketing strategy and can help drive business growth and success. So what type of marketing materials for small businesses should you use? Before we answer that, let us first go over the two categories of marketing materials.

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What Are the Two Main Categories of Business Marketing Materials

The two main categories of marketing materials are printed marketing materials and digital marketing materials.

Printed marketing materials are physical items printed on paper or other materials. On the other hand, digital marketing materials are electronic files that you can access and view online.

Both printed and digital marketing materials have unique advantages and disadvantages. The choice of which type to use depends on various factors, including the target audience, the marketing objectives, and the available budget.

7 Examples of Printed Marketing Materials

Printed marketing materials for small businesses have been used for many years and are still effective in reaching potential customers. They are handy for promoting products or services at events, trade shows, or public places where people are likelier to see them. Here are some examples of printed marketing materials:

Business cards

Two types of business card mockup designs with color a purple borders.

Business cards are a classic marketing tool that provides contact information and branding details in a convenient format. These small cards contain a company’s logo, contact information, and other product or service details.


A smiling older woman is holding three different travel brochures.

Brochures are printed materials that typically fold out to showcase products, services, or information about the company, usually including images and pricing details.


A person wearing a red shirt and ID lace with a green sweater is holding a flyer for art volunteering.

These are one or two-sided printed sheets used to promote a product or service, typically distributed at events or in public places. By using a user-friendly flyer maker, businesses can design eye-catching and professional flyers with ease


a random postcards scattered over a compilation of more random postcards

You can use these small printed cards to promote a sale, special offer, or event.


An open page of a catalog or magazine featuring home decor with a blurry background.

These printed booklets list and describe a company’s products and services, often including images and pricing details.

Banners or Posters

A man wearing jeans and a jacket walks by banners and posters on the side wall.

You can hang or display these large printed signs to promote a product or service. You typically use these at events or in public places. Keep in mind that venue selection is crucial to ensure maximum visibility and engagement for your signage.


Sample billboard with the word written on it in a yellow orange backdrop

These are large printed signs placed in high-traffic areas to promote a product or service to a broad audience.

8 Examples of Digital Marketing Materials

Digital marketing materials for small business have become increasingly popular due to their effectiveness and affordability. You can easily track and analyze these to measure their impact on your business’s marketing objectives.

Here are some examples of digital marketing materials:


Logo branding text with a hexagon logo design printed on a piece of paper.

Do you notice how you readily recognize a clothing or food item brand because of its logo? Your logo is the most integral part of your branding, bar none. Consider it the signature that uniquely identifies your business, whether in digital or printed form.

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Website Pages

A Dell laptop with a tumbler and a phone on its side displays the pexels website homepage on its screen.

These pages on a company’s website provide information about its products and services and its mission, values, and history. They can also include landing pages designed to convert website visitors into leads or customers.

Social Media Posts

A woman is holding a phone with social media post icons in front of a laptop.

These are short messages or posts on social media platforms, such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or LinkedIn, that promote a business or its products and services.

Email Newsletters

sample of email newsletter as opened in a laptop monitor

Email newsletters are electronic communications sent to subscribers regularly to provide information about a company, its products and services, and other related topics.

Online Ads

ad campaign written on a page opened on a computer screen.

These ads are displayed on websites or social media platforms to promote a product or service. They can be in the form of banner ads, pop-up ads, or sponsored content.

Video Content

photo showing an opened window of a video player above the phone screen

These videos showcase a company’s products or services or provide information about its mission or values. By using Social Media Marketing Software, you can easily share them across your business’s website, social media platforms, and video-sharing sites like YouTube.


A red and white iphone below a black headphone has a podcast display on its screen.

These are audio recordings that can be accessed and downloaded online. You can use them to provide information, insights, or entertainment about your business’s products or services.


Regarding digital marketing materials, most business owners typically leave out infographics. However, they can be pretty valuable, especially if you want to share your business’s backstory or display key information in a fun and visually appealing way.

Sample infographic focused on religions, gender, wealth, and age.

As mentioned, these 15 marketing materials for small business will have one common denominator—your business logo. Whether printed or digital, the logo is the first thing you must develop before you create all of your other marketing materials because it’s your brand’s representation.

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The rest of your promotional marketing materials will bear your business logo and will be your brand’s most used asset; thus, you must ensure your logo is scalable. With a simple but eye-catching logo design, you can blow it up to billboard size or scale it to its littlest size as a favicon for your website.

Now, it’s much easier to create a logo for your business, thanks to AI logo makers like Logomakerr. They have a vast collection of logo templates, fonts, colors, symbols, and layouts tailored to your business.

With an AI logo maker, you no longer have to pay for the services of a professional logo designer. You can create a professional logo design without a graphic designer’s skills. Moreover, you don’t have to spend too much time and money on your logo; thus, it’s a win-win.

Tips for Creating Effective Marketing Materials

Creating effective marketing materials for small business requires careful planning and attention to detail, whether you are using a random logo maker or not. Here are some tips to help you create effective marketing materials:

the word marketing written at the center page of a white bond paper with different arrows pointing its different marketing elements around it

Define Your Target Audience

Understand your target audience’s needs, interests, and behaviors. It will help you create marketing materials that are relevant, engaging, and effective.

Establish Your Branding

Develop a consistent and recognizable brand identity, including logo, colors, fonts, and messaging. Use these elements consistently across all your marketing materials to create a strong brand presence.

Focus on Benefits, Not Features

Instead of focusing on the features of your products or services, highlight the benefits they provide to your customers. It will help you create marketing materials for small business that are more persuasive and effective.

Use Clear and Concise Language

Keep your messaging clear and concise, using simple and easy-to-understand language. Avoid using technical jargon or complicated terms your target audience may not understand.

Use High-Quality Images

Use high-quality images and graphics relevant to your message and brand identity. Poor-quality pictures can make your marketing materials appear unprofessional and unappealing.

Include a Call to Action

Encourage your audience to take action by including a clear and specific call to action in your marketing materials. It can be anything from visiting your website, purchasing, or signing up for a newsletter.

Test and Iterate

Test your marketing materials with a small group of your target audience before rolling them out to a larger audience. Use feedback to make improvements and iterate on your marketing materials to make them more effective.

By following these tips, you can create marketing materials that are more effective, engaging, and persuasive, helping you to achieve your marketing objectives and grow your business.

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