Do Colors Have Copyright? 7 Colors That Can Get You Sued When Used

color copyright

There are are more than 10 million colors in this world – and 7 of these colors have copyright.  We all know that originality is key when it comes to logo designing, painting, website designs, or any other form of art. Although it’s important to make your mark and ensure that you stand out from […]

7 Graphic Design Terms That Commonly Gets Wrong or Interchanged

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Graphic design terms can be confusing, especially if you are new to the field. Of course, if you are using AI logo generators or other free graphic designing websites, learning these terms might not come in handy. However, knowing some of the most commonly misused interchanged graphic design terms is important if you want clarity […]

Google Logo History: What Makes It Geometrically Correct?

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Despite the many AI logo generators and professional logo designers today, Google – one of the most profitable and famous companies in the world, has chosen to remain loyal to its logo and its color scheme over the years. In fact, one thing that has remained constant is their use of geometric shapes – making […]

Cannabis Culture: 4 Iconic Weed Logo Ideas

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In recent years, the cannabis industry has seen an explosion in popularity and mainstream acceptance. From legalized dispensaries to celebrity-endorsed products, the culture of weed has become a significant part of society, whether someone might like it or not.  With this increased visibility comes the need for iconic logo designs that embody the essence of cannabis culture […]

11 Best Free AI Tools to Try Out This Year!

best AI tools in 2024 generated by Dall-e

There are more than 14,700 Artificial Intelligence business startups in the United States today. From AI logo generators to content creation, video making, inventory, and other digital marketing strategies that can be useful for your business, AI has it all in store!  But of course, for many startups with little to no budget for minor daily operations, […]

Legal Advice for Small Business: Rights of Business Owners

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More than 4.4 million new businesses emerged during the pandemic in the USA alone. This means that millions of inspired business owners put their mind into creating the best products/services, implementing marketing strategies, and building a strong brand including legal logo and handcrafted packaging.  But that’s not it. Opening a startup business lies in legal […]

6 Reasons to Start an HVAC Servicing Company | HVAC logo design tips

HVAC logo

Have you been considering starting your own HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) servicing company but are not sure if it’s the right move for you? Well, you’re not alone. Many people have thought about it but aren’t sure if the rewards are worth the risks.  However, starting your own HVAC servicing company can be an excellent […]

How to Start a Real Estate Business?

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There are over 75,000 real estate agents in Asia alone. These professionals aim to strive in the industry by fully committing to their business, be it by using logo maker tools for social media or learning from different online resources about the ins and outs of real estate.  Although the roadmap to success of many entrepreneurs in the industry […]

10 Basic Typography Rules

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Typography is the backbone of logo design. Choosing the right font can make or break a project because it greatly influences the message a brand wants to convey.  There are five basic classifications of typography: serif, sans serif, script, monospaced, and display. Of course, there are general rules on using each classification, and you can’t just choose […]

JPEG vs. PNG: Which Image Format to Choose?

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In the digital age, images play a pivotal role in our online experiences. Whether you’re designing a website, sharing photos on social media, or sending pictures in emails, inserting your logo in the email signature, choosing the right image format is crucial. Sharing the photo on social media is difficult as JPG images do occupy space […]